What is sedation dentistry?
Sedation Dentistry involves the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. From mild to moderate sedation, our goal is to create a calm and stress-free environment for your dental care. Sedation medications are used to produce calmness or sleep in the dental office. Sometimes this is called Sleep Dentistry or Dental Sedation. There are different levels of sedation that can be performed in a dental office in order to make your experience more enjoyable. Sedation aids with anxiety, pain control, and post-appointment comfort. The ADA classifies sedation in four categories: minimal sedation, moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general anesthesia. In a dental office, the primary modes of sedation are minimum and moderate in nature.
Minimal sedation produces a minimally depressed level of consciousness. You can breathe normally. You can respond to touch and conversation. Although you may feel more relaxed and a little “sleepy,” you have no problem with any vital functions. Minimal sedation never delivers an unintended loss of consciousness. Minimal sedation is often used for routine procedures like fillings or crowns. An example is the use of nitrous oxide (laughing gas).
Moderate sedation is achieved when a level of consciousness occurs that requires a “purposeful” response to verbal commands. Sometimes touch is used with verbal commands to elicit a response. No intervention is needed with breathing and vital signs usually remain normal. Patients may drift in and out of consciousness while under moderate sedation. Moderate sedation is used for more complex procedures like implant placement, bone grafting, and full mouth restorations. This form of sedation can be achieved with IV or prescribed medications. Moderate sedation was also called “Conscious Sedation.”
Deep sedation is when you are “knocked out.” You cannot be easily woken up, even by something painful. The ability to breathe on your own can be inhibited. Airways can collapse and your own ability to monitor oxygen is reduced. The heart can usually function normally. Deep sedation requires special training, often associated with a hospital setting. Because of the fragile nature of deep sedation, IV delivery methods are best.
General sedation is limited to a hospital type setting only.
For all levels of sedation, routine and constant monitoring of your vital signs is necessary. Throughout dental procedures, you should hear the monitoring equipment providing feedback to the healthcare professional supervising the sedation. Advanced emergency medical response training is required in the event of negative reactions. Specific medical equipment to manage complications is also required.